Pioneering Excellence in Kitchen and Home Design

Ulster Tatler Interiors chats to Darren Morgan from Darren Morgan Design.

Where do you find inspiration at the beginning of each new project?

Inspiration for me begins with the client’s vision and the unique characteristics of their space. Over my career, I’ve learned to blend functional requirements with the personal stories and aspirations of each client. Every project is an opportunity to explore new ideas and push boundaries, ensuring the final design is both practical and profoundly personal.


What do you believe distinguishes your work from other kitchen designers in the industry?

Over the past 25 years, we’ve delivered multiple award-winning projects, earning industry recognition for design innovation and excellence. We’ve developed a unique approach that merges digital design and extensive industry experience to empower our clients. This allows them to visualise their future space in vivid detail and achieve incredible value through our exclusive industry connections. Our process uses design to answer questions, plan effectively, and deliver exceptional value.

How do your CGI and digital animation tools contribute to your design process?

Our CGI and digital animation tools bridge the gap between concept and reality, providing clients with authentic, realistic previews of their future spaces. This technology eliminates guesswork, ensuring clients are confident and satisfied with the design before construction begins, saving both time and money.

Some clients feel lost when they receive architectural plans, struggling to envision the final outcome. Instead of navigating multiple companies or relying on simple mood boards, we liberate the process by focusing on design rather than product sales. By blending advanced technology with extensive industry experience, we create a clear and confident pathway from plan to installation.

Full interview in the Summer Ulster Tatler Interiors edition:


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